Door3 Presents: Neil Goodwin – Off the Wall Reception

Door3 is very pleased to announce Neil Goodwin as artist in residence for the month of April. He  has literally transformed our humble gallery into a river view of the Danube highlighting Graffiti art from Vienna and many other exotic locations. Come by this Thursday to meet Neil, share some wine and celebrate his show.



April 11, 2013

” I’ve been taking pictures for as long as I can remember.  I’ve been an architect, a film maker and a writer and through all of those enterprises I continued to take pictures.

The first photographs that affected me deeply me were Walker Evans’s images of the towns and people of the deep south.  They had an unforgettable impact on me – still do.  He taught a course in photography at the Yale School of Art and Architecture in 1965 as I was finishing my training in architecture, and I leapt at the chance to study with him.

I practiced architecture for a number of years, then, following what I can only describe as a compulsion that would not be denied, a colleague and I made a documentary about wolves in the Canadian Arctic.  The completion and release of that project led to the making of more movies, and before long I was doing documentaries full time.  Most of them were for Public Television on wildlife, natural science and historical subjects.  In the last few years I have moved away from film production and have written two books deriving from my father’s work as an anthropologist with the Apache Indians.   Set in Mexico’s Sierra Madre mountains and the American southwest, the books are: The Apache Diaries and Like a Brother. “

Here are some images of the opening :

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For more information about Neil and his extensive body of work, visit his website:

His show will be on display until May 7th  during regular shop hours. Please stop by if you get a chance to peek in Door3!