Basic Mechanics Class: Introduction to bike maintenance!

  •  June 4, 2025
     6:30 pm - 8:30 pm

This course in basic bicycle mechanics is an introductory course intended for those with little or no bicycle mechanic experience. The class is divided into lecture and hands-on learning where the student works on their own bicycle.

Instructor: Andy

Topics include:

– A general overview of bicycle systems, including brief overviews of tires, brakes, and general maintenance practices. Students will learn adjustment techniques and when to replace worn components.

A few things to know about our classes

  • Wear clothes that you don’t mind getting grease on.
  • Wear closed-toe shoes.
  • Bring your own bike to work on.
  • You must be 18 years of age or older to take our classes.
  • Due to insurance limitations, we aren’t able to do instruction with ebikes. (This means no ebikes in class)
  • If you need to cancel your enrollment you must do so at least 2 weeks before the class starts for a refund. After that, no refund will be issued.
  • 10% off parts and accessories for any purchases made during this class session

*If a class does not have sufficient participants to run, it may be rescheduled. If this occurs, registered participants will be offered a refund or will have the chance to transfer their registration.

Details Price Qty
Course Registration (1 session) $65.00 USD  


Venue Phone: (617) 868-3392

351 Broadway, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 02139, United States