Today is our Birthday — new t-shirt revealed!

40th anniversary designBroadway Bicycle School is proud to have served the local bicycling community since 1972! In honor of this most auspicious occasion we have unveiled the newest in Broadway Mechanics’ apparel, the 40th anniversary edition of Broadway Tshirts – minimal and unforgettable  in yellow or green –  You could buy one online

but I highly recommend stopping by the shop today in particular because…. all day long we are celebrating our birthday! Time your visit to coincide with the arrival of Host with the most from WMBR Backwoods DJ John Funke as he spins away the afternoon IN HOUSE 2-4pm! Later on we will invite you to learn the Annual Three speed dance with all of our mechanics. If you’ve ever wanted to be a pawl or a planetary gear – here’s your chance!

Stay or come later because at 6pm we are gonna bring the house down with the Joe Longo Mouthful of Blues Band. No kidding – the mechanics of Broadway have joined forces to create a fantastic blues band – We will be playing our debut tonight right here in the shop!

As Always Free Cake and Ice cream. Free Self help. Free teaching one on one with any of our mechanics ALL DAY LONG!

We love Broadway –  may we never grow old! Happy 40th!